men, sewing

Finally: Hoodie for my Husband!

My husband doesn’t get a whole lot of sewing love. I’ve made him a grand total of 4 things: a woodworking apron, a star wars themed t-shirt (plus the wearable muslin), a really awesome jacket, and finally a Star Wars themed hoodie!

Up until a few days before Christmas, I had no plans to actually make him a hoodie – or anything for that matter, lol. But as I evaluated his Christmas gift collection and realized he’d actually got me some things, I made the snap decision to lift my gift giving game.

I bought this Star Wars themed fabric a few years ago with the intention of making a cute dress for my baby. Who is nearly 5.

I have a fabric collection problem. Obviously.

Since I had just made the Jalie Frederic Hoodie for my son, I figured it would be a no brainer to make one for my husband too. The sizing goes from 2T right up to 3XL, so it’s really great for family sewing!

So, with two days before Christmas, I began this project. But once it came to the zipper part, I realized my excessive stash of jacket zippers tapped out at 28″ long. This jacket required a 30″ zipper.


With one day before Christmas, I zipped into our local JoAnn and grabbed their second last white 30″ zipper.

I love these hidden zippered pockets!

With just some top stitching to go, I left my jacket on my ironing board while I hunted high and low for my clothing labels that, for reasons I couldn’t work out, were no longer in their normal place.

And I smelled it. Something burning.

My iron had slipped off its resting mat and walked over to my jacket where it was melting the zipper.

All. the. swear. words.

I love the instructions for binding the hood seam for a professional finish. Also, he insisted on wearing his Star Wars shirt underneath!

At this point, JoAnn was open for one more hour. But given the 50% off coupon I had wouldn’t work until the day *after* Christmas, and I didn’t fancy spending a grand total of $15 on the zipper alone (seriously, so spoiled by Wawak’s cheap zipper prices!!), I decided my husband would be getting an unfinished hoodie for Christmas and I’d just finish it later. The day after Christmas I dashed back to JoAnn and, armed with my coupon, got their very last 30″ zipper.


Close up of the hood binding

(Oh, and after an extensive cleanup of my sewing space, I found my labels. They were exactly where they were supposed to be. Of course.)

So I hope you enjoyed this dramatic retelling of this jacket’s creation. It will probably serve me right for leaving things to the last minute. Will I learn? Probably not, lol. But I might pay more attention to where I leave nylon zippered things mid-project!

Here’s a quick link summary of the project pieces:

Jalie Frederic Pattern (also on Amazon – aff)

Star Wars cotton lycra (NLA, from Sweet n Charmed fabric)

Gray cotton lycra (stash, don’t remember where I got it)

White cotton lycra (stash, Simply By Ti)

Orange cotton Lycra (stash, Simply By Ti)

White ribbing (Wolf & Rabbit Fabrics)

Cord stoppers

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