
Stockpile Healthy Freezer Meals! Free Menu!

This post contains affiliate links that help support my blog. I just need one person to sign up for a free menu to ensure I keep my affiliate status! ❤ ❤ 

Tomorrow I’m sending my husband to Costco. Wish us luck!!! My goal is to make some freezer meals that can get us through the next few weeks without me having to spend a whole lot of thought on what we’ll be eating each day.


Once A Month Meals has released a FREE menu for stockpiling 20 meals in just 1 hour! These meals can be made for either an Instant Pot (pressure cooker) or slow cooker. This menu plan includes 10 different meals (you make two of each) and things such as pork carnitas, curried pork, buffalo chicken, French dip sandwiches, honey bourbon chicken, and more!

One thing I love about Once A Month Meals is that they design the menu so that you use one ingredient for multiple recipes, saving yourself money and time. Everything you need is available to print out: a list of things to buy, things to chop up, individual recipe pages telling you what to put into each container, and stickers to put on top of your containers.

If you are feeling adventurous, you could even recruit your kids to help put these menus together too! Your science/home ec/math lessons for the day: Done!

Happy food prepping! ❤


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